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Housekeeping NC II
Requirements for Applying the Entrance Exam/Qualifying Exam
Month of February start of releasing of Application forms
March-April conducting of Entrance/Qualifying Exam
Prepare : 2 pcs 1x1 I.D picture and PhP 100 Application Form fee
List of Requirements for Enrollment:
Medical Certificate with: X ray result
Birth Certificate (NSO Photocopy only)
Transcript of Record (TOR)/Form 138(card)/ Form 137 (permanent record)-Photocopy only
Police/Barangay Clearance
Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Result (Photocopy only)/YP4SC
Student Permit/ Driver's License (for Driving NC II trainees only-Photocopy)
Picture (3 pcs-1x1, 1 pc-2x2 and 3 pcs-passport size)
Long Brown Envelope
The HOUSEKEEPING NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to prepare guest rooms, clean public areas and equipment, provide housekeeping services, provide valet services, handle intoxicated guest, and laundry linen and guest clothes to a range of accommodation services.
The units of competency comprising this qualification includes the following:
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