Food Processing NC II
Requirements for Applying the Entrance Exam/Qualifying Exam
Month of February start of releasing of Application forms
March-April conducting of Entrance/Qualifying Exam
Prepare : 2 pcs 1x1 I.D picture and PhP 100 Application Form fee
List of Requirements for Enrollment:
Medical Certificate with: X ray result for all qualifications and HEPA Test for Food Processing and HRKSP only
Birth Certificate (NSO Photocopy only)
Police/Barangay Clearance
Good moral certificate/ Honorable Dismissal
Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
Form 138(card)/ Form 137 (permanent record)
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Result (Photocopy only)/YP4SC
Student Permit/ Driver's License (for Driving NC II trainees only-Photocopy)
Long Brown Envelope
The FOOD PROCESSING NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must have in order to process foods by salting, curing and smoking; process food by fermentation and pickling; process food by sugar concentration; process food by drying and dehydration and process food by thermal application. Inclusive to each of the above competencies, is the task of packing the processed food and operating simple packing equipment such as sealer. The person must also have competencies in practicing Food Safety Act 2013, cGMP, HACCP, OSHS and 7S of Good Housekeeping, including following relevant environmental rules and regulations.
It also includes competencies of a person in the production line of manufacturing processed food who is responsible for routinary works such as inspection of simple defects of packing materials, seal integrity and correct product label. It also comprises the calibrating and operating of basic food processing tools and equipment such as salinometer, refractometer, food processor and weighing scale. This qualification does not include dairy products and baking/pastry making.
The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following: